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Connecting calls to cases with advanced recognition technology

Why use DialConnex?

Good communication is at the core of all successful legal firms and services, with telephone calls an essential part of the personalised client experience.

As a lawyer or legal services provider, you likely spend a lot of your day making and receiving calls and on either side of those conversations, preparing and then updating case matters. Logging that information within your Case Management System can be time-consuming and tedious – but what if it didn’t have to be?

Imagine there was software that instantaneously rooted inbound calls to the right receiver, matching the phone number to the relevant case matters within your CMS and preloading the information before you have even answered the phone.

Intelligent call handling with CMS integration

DialConnex has an Intelligent call handling system along with CMS integration to create a streamlined workflow and seamless client experience.

DialConnex transforms the way legal firms and services manage their call traffic. Using advanced recognition technology, DialConnex identifies the caller and instantaneously directs the call to the right team without the need to pass through a contact centre or reception.

Files are then preloaded so that case matters are at your fingertips from the moment the call comes in. You can also make outbound calls directly from your CMS, mitigating the need for manual search and dial processes. Helping boost productivity and allowing you to spend more time servicing your clients.

With seamless CMS integration for both inbound and outbound calls, you can have full confidence in your audit trails, assured that every call is automatically filed and logged.


Generated with Avocode. Generated with Avocode. Generated with Avocode.

“DialConnex has been invaluable and they now couldn't live without the product. It saves time when making outgoing calls to clients, just a click of a button and it quickly directs calls to the correct team. It's handy because they have client/case information when a client calls in and know who it is they are speaking and don't have to ask. This ultimately saves time overall.

When we first took this solution, there was an issue with licences meaning some fee earners had DC on their comp and other didn't. Fee earners who didn't felt they were missing out.”

Mark Brierley — Beacon Law

Generated with Avocode. Generated with Avocode. Generated with Avocode.

"As one of the largest conveyancing law firms in the country, we are long-standing users of DialConnex. Our staff make and receive high volume of calls daily. This software allowed us to reduce time spent on the phone, handling inbound calls became quicker and easier as we have the case/ client information to hand as soon as we receive a call. We can dial outbound directly from the case in our CMS, meaning our staff can work centrally. The smart route feature of DialConnex allows our clients to be automatically directed to the correct team handling their case, cutting down wait times and improving the customer journey"

PLS Solicitors

Contextual case conversations routed with AI-driven precision.

When a call comes in via the intelligent switchboard, DialConnex will:

  • Intelligently identify which case matter the phone number is associated with
  • Route the call directly to the appropriate team handling the matter
  • Ensure the call bypasses unnecessary intermediaries like a reception or contact centre
  • Preload all the case files, enabling more efficient and meaningful conversations
  • Automatically save call recording straight to your Case Management System

In practice, DialConnex helps businesses across the entire legal ecosystem to:

  • Save time by enabling outbound calls to be made using click-to-dial technology directly via your CMS, rather than traditional search and dial
  • Reduce bottlenecks in inbound call handling which take up fee earners’ time
  • Improve client experience with calls handled efficiently and swiftly by the right team
  • Ensure case files are updated promptly, automatically logging all calls and communications for robust audit trails.

Seamlessly streamlining call traffic to enhance your client experience.

The integration of Dialconnex ensures a smoother, faster, and more efficient communication process, reducing handling times and positioning our customers at the pinnacle of client service excellence.

We provide hands-on technical support to help our customers seamlessly integrate DialConnex within their existing case management system. Day-to-day contact is provided via one of our dedicated account managers, who will be available to facilitate remote troubleshooting and answer any service queries as they arise.

Get in touch

0333 880 4861

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