Telephony – click to dial

Telephony has always played important part, not only in business, no matter the industry, but in our lives. However, our reliance on telephones has increased dramatically, especially since Covid-19 hit and most companies launched a work-from-home policy. The amount of work and received calls increased significantly and caused disruptions and chaos as organisations hadn’t optimised their case management systems. As a result, employees are not using their time efficiently and effectively, which affects the company’s workflow and time distribution.

Take this as a simple telephony example: employee X opens a case within Proclaim case management system, as he is looking for a solicitor’s contact details. Then he finds the telephone number and starts dialing it manually. So far nothing wrong. Unfortunately, he cannot connect because the number is incorrect or incomplete. He tries a second time and he succeeds. However, he is already frustrated, having had to dial twice and because he has lost valuable time. This happens a couple of times during the day. Meantime, employee Y is in the same situation as his colleague, employee X. He tries to dial a telephone number manually without a success from the first try. When summarised, the company has lost some of its most valuable asset – time. The reason – manual dialing and human mistakes.

But how can you optimize time and minimize human mistakes?

The solution is simple – system optimisation through telephone integration with your Proclaim case management system. Everyone knows how frustrating it is to have great software and not to able to use it to its full potential. Especially when you have all the information in one place and need to extract the data manually to contact your client, solicitor, etc. A simple telephone integration will give you the opportunity to dial a number straight from your case management system. Just Click-to-Dial. Simple and time efficient.

What is Click-to-Dial and the benefits of it?

Zeus Tech’s Click-to-Dial is a software product which can be smoothly integrated into your telephone and case management systems. What are the benefits?

  • The add-on provides information about the inbound caller directly to your fee-earner’s desktop before they even pick up the phone.
  • The system takes the inbound call number and searches the data stored on your Proclaim software.
  • With a partnership with etiCloud, it is possible to add recordings directly to the Proclaim case history.
  • No need to log your call manually, as it is saved automatically.
  • Saves your time and money.

If you want to find out how we can help you improve your telephony processes, do not hesitate to contact us. We all know how important the time is, especially now.